Friday, September 25, 2009

Trials are like white water rafting

I can't believe how things can change in any amount of time. You may go a year or two in the same row boat floating down the stream, doing the same paddling you do everyday. And then without notice or warning the rapids come and maybe even a waterfall.
This is where our choices in life truly shape who we are. What do you do in your "rapids" and how do you react to the "waterfalls" in your life?
It is hard to do but what I am learning is although I have to keep paddling and focus on getting through without flipping my boat, I also want to make sure I don't miss out on the magnificent views and things that God has set out for me on that course.
I have always wanted to go white water rafting in Colorado. I think of how incredible the canyons would look. The sounds and smells of the water crashing and splashing about must be unreal. Of course I imagine there would be the times the water was restful and smoothe, and then when you hit the rapids, things would probably get really loud.
If I did go, I would hope that I would not miss out on all the other things that I thing would be so amazing and intense about white water rafting, due to the insanity of rapids. Would I trust my guide to help us through the rough spots or just totally freak out in fear? Well, that is how I see life.
Right now, I am in the rapids about to head off the waterfall. Am I truly trusting in God or am I hoping that some earthly being is going to step in and take over? I know I need to remain in control of the boat and the paddles. But all of the rest, the rapids, the waterfall, the winds, the curvatures of the rocks, and everything else is simply not in my control.
So, I guess as I am headed into these rapid waters of life, I need to look at them as more of an adventure then as a trial. I am sure God is growing me and shaping me and I will be able to look back on these times as challenging but worth it. These times will get me where I need to be.
I need to remember to keep paddling, stay in control of the things I can, and let God be in control of the rest.